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Welcome to my corner of the internet where I've gathered a treasure trove of wisdom from my journey. Whether you've read my book, thinking about it, or just stumbled upon my site, I'm here to share the invaluable lessons life has taught me.

It’s a man’s world… or is it?

A practical handbook for women in non-traditional careers.

This handbook explores the common challenges and issues women face when entering a male dominated career. With humour and insight, It’s a man’s world… or is it? explores both female and male perspectives on this subject.

Listen to an excerpt

eBook excerpt

Looking for a print copy?

Print options are accessible for bulk orders only, email Darlene for details.

  • In tackling the thorny issues of male-female relationships on the job, it was particularly outstanding. This is such a scary area to wade into, but such a crucial area for success.

    Ena Chaisson, Adult Educator

  • What Ms. Dudley has been able to do with this book — in a lighthearted, humorous and yet genuine fashion — is identify women’s issues (both real and perceived) in the workplace, and present sensible and rational solutions for dealing with them. A must-read if you care about your female co-worker .

    Martyn A. Piper,
    Former Executive Secretary Treasurer Alberta and Northwest Territories Regional Council of Carpenters and Allied Workers

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